This API uses XML over TCP like a classic physical telephony server. The client can be written in any programming language that supports creating a TCP socket.
How to use​
The TCP client support XML requests, responses and events. They follow the CSTA format in the ECMA-323 CSTA Standard.
- Open a TCP socket.
- Authentication: Login by sending a CSTA StartApplicationSession request in XML format (as a string) to the socket.
- CSTA request, responses and CSTA events are received as strings from the TCP socket. You need to split up the received text into XML document strings and then deserialized into a typed object if needed.
.NET sample client​
The C# sample client is written for .NET Core 6 using the NetCoreServer library available at nuget.
public class TcpClient : NetCoreServer.TcpClient
private const string MESSAGE_TERMINATOR = "\0";
private readonly Action<object> _newMessageFunc;
private readonly Serializer _serializer;
private string _dataReceived = string.Empty;
public TcpClient(Action<object> newMessageFunc, string address, int port) : base(address, port)
_newMessageFunc = newMessageFunc;
_serializer = new Serializer();
public void SendAsync<T>(T message)
Console.WriteLine($"Sending {message.GetType()} message ");
base.SendAsync(_serializer.Serialize(message) + MESSAGE_TERMINATOR);
protected override void OnConnected()
Console.WriteLine($"TcpClient connected");
protected override void OnDisconnected()
Console.WriteLine($"TcpClient disconnected");
protected override void OnReceived(byte[] buffer, long offset, long size)
var chunk = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, (int)offset, (int)size);
_dataReceived += chunk;
while (_dataReceived.Contains(MESSAGE_TERMINATOR))
var index = _dataReceived.IndexOf(MESSAGE_TERMINATOR, StringComparison.Ordinal);
var message = _dataReceived.Substring(0, index);
_dataReceived = _dataReceived.Substring(index + 1);
var convertedMessage = _serializer.Deserialize(message);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Invalid XML document? Exception: {ex.Message}. XML = {message}");
protected override void OnError(SocketError error)
Console.WriteLine($"TCP client returned error code: '{error}'");
Example XML requests​
This example connects to the CSTA server and then sends a MakeCall request. Local number 200 calls 22334455.
Send TCP string:
StartApplicationSession request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
Wait for a response:
StartApplicationSession response
<StartApplicationSessionPosResponse xmlns="http://www.ecma.ch/standards/ecma-323/csta/ed6">
Send TCP string:
MakeCall request
Wait for a response like
MakeCall response
<MakeCallResponse xmlns="http://www.ecma.ch/standards/ecma-323/csta/ed6">
Get access to uni-tel CSTA TCPI API​
If you want to know more, feel free to contact us here. The contact form is in Danish only, but inquiries in English are most welcome.